Culture & Identity
Classes & Academic Departments
- African American and African Studies (AFRO)
- American Indian Studies (AMIN)
- American Studies (AMST)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Asian American Studies (AAS)
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Center for Spirituality and Healing
- Chicano and Latino Studies (CHIC)
- Family Social Science (FSOS)
- Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS)
- Global Studies (GLOS)
- History (HIST)
- Jewish Studies (JWST)
- Religious Studies (RELS)
- Sociology (SOC)
Student Services & Organizations
- Asian Pacific American Resource Center
- Circle of Indigenous Nations
- Cultural Centers
- American Indian Student Cultural Center
- Al-Madinah Cultural Center
- Asian American Student Union
- Black Student Union
- Disabled Student Cultural Center
- Feminist Student Activist Collective
- Mi Gente Latinx Student Cultural Center
- Minnesota International Student Association
- Queer Student Cultural Center
- Disability Resource Center
- Fraternity and Sorority Life
- Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life
- Minnesota Hillel
- Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence
- Multicultural Student Engagement
- North Star STEM Alliance
- Office for Equity and Diversity
- Women’s Center
Financial Aid, Financial Wellness & Scholarships
- One Stop Student Services
- Financial Wellness Counseling
- Financial Wellness Resources
- Scholarship Search and Resources
- Student Emergency Funds
Housing & Financial Instability
Learning Abroad & Away
Learning Support Services & Resources
- All Academic Support Services
- Asian Pacific American Resource Center
- Department-Based Academic Support
- Disability Resource Center
- Effective U: Online Tutorials for Academic and Personal Wellbeing
- Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence
- North Star STEM Alliance
- Student English Language Support
- Student Writing Support
- Study Space Finder
- Tutoring and Academic Success Center
- University Libraries
Student Advocacy & Support
- Bias Response and Referral Network
- Care Program
- Disability Resource Center
- Equal Opportunity and Title IX
- Housing and Residential Life
- Immigration Response Team
- Off-Campus Living
- Orientation and Transition Experiences
- Safe Walk Service (612-624-WALK)
- Student Advocate Services
- Student Conflict Resolution Center
- Student Legal Services
- Student Parent HELP Center
- The Aurora Center for Advocacy and Education
Student Involvement & Employment
- Asian Pacific American Resource Center
- Center for Community-Engaged Learning
- Circle of Indigenous Nations
- Cultural Centers
- American Indian Student Cultural Center
- Al-Madinah Cultural Center
- Asian American Student Union
- Black Student Union
- Disabled Student Cultural Center
- Feminist Student Activist Collective
- Mi Gente Latinx Student Cultural Center
- Minnesota International Student Association
- Queer Student Cultural Center
- Fraternity and Sorority Life
- Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life
- Leadership Minor
- Minnesota Hillel
- Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence
- Multicultural Student Engagement
- Student Engagement at the U
- Student Jobs at the U
- Student Unions and Activities
- Women’s Center