Jessica P. Cameron

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Education: M.A., University of Minnesota; B.S., Iowa State University

Time at the U: I started working at the University in 2015 until 2020, and I am so excited to be back in 2022!

Mai Lee Chang

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Education: M.A., University of Minnesota; B.A., Colorado State University

Time at the U: I started working at the University in 2016 and recently joined the PES team in 2021.

What I do in my free time: I enjoy working on any crafting projects, reading, and spending time outdoors. Over the summer months, I tend to a small garden and spend my weekends out on the lake.

Lissa Martinez Greer

Hometown: Vadnais Heights, Minnesota 

Education: M.S.Ed, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 

Time at the U: I started at the U in August of 2021.

What I do in my free time: I enjoy time with family and friends, being outdoors in nature, reading and watching movies/shows about any and everything.